Past projects

01 — “A Visual Representation of My Summer”

Acrylic paint / fake moss / dried flowers / sunflower seeds on stretched canvas

I worked on “A Visual Representation of My Summer” during the summer of 2022. It was a cathartic way to channel some of the feelings I could not articulate. I started with the pink background and began adding elements until I was satisfied. For me, it is difficult to decide when a project is done.

This one is now complete.

02 — Painted slip-on shoes

Angelus leather paint on leather shoes

I worked on this pair of shoes for a dear friend. I tried to capture her personality with the rose gold lettering and the poppy and vine motif. I really enjoyed pairing a project for a friend with the creative freedom to play with a new medium.

03 — Bookmarks

Watercolor/gemstones on watercolor paper and laminated

During the pandemic, I thought it would be a practical project to create bookmarks for friends and children because I personally enjoy a good, strong bookmark when I am in the middle of a riveting book. And many of us were reading quite a bit while working from home.

04 — Homemade Halloween cupcakes

Brown sugar frosting/banana cupcakes/Halloween sprinkles and wrappers

I have always been a big fan of baking, tracing my roots back to sleepovers with a dear friend that almost always included some type of baked confection. These Halloween-themed cupcakes are an example of the whimsical themes I like to adhere to when decorating (my favorite part). I am interested in doing more baking for loved ones to celebrate special events (birthdays, retirements or simply for fun).

05 — Baby name sign

Watercolor on watercolor paper in wooden frame

Recently, I have been in the habit of painting baby name signs for loved ones’ little ones. Each sign aligns with the Symbolism & Symmetry mission of creating thoughtful meaning and balance.

06 — Logo

Permanent marker on watercolor paper

The seed of Symbolism & Symmetry began as a concept, but I knew I wanted to create an original logo. I scribbled the first draft of the logo using pen on a steno pad. Ironically, I used the same page my husband had used to write down a dinner recipe for ribs and focaccia. In the future, I want to hone the final draft to look more like the first draft (pictured below), but for now, this will do.

07 — Chakra wall art

Acrylic paint on glass, thread, beads, tree branch

This is the first piece of art that I created before the name Symbolism & Symmetry came into existence. I was looking for something to occupy my time and spending a lot of time in the woods. Since this piece, I have made many similar wall art installations for loved ones.